Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So many books...too many choices!

So, it only took me an HOUR and some help from a co-blogger to finally figure out how to get my LibraryThing widget onto my blog. Yikes. All that and now I don't even know if I'll continue to use LibraryThing!! GoodReads looks prettier--and really, it's that what's most important?? :-)

I think any of these online book cataloging sites are wonderful in their own rights--however, what I am seeing is just how easy it is (or WOULD be...) to spend ALL your free time ONLINE. Between the social networking sites (which I will admit to shunning!), online photo management, reading all your friend's blogs, etc, etc, will anything else EVER get done???

As far as using LibraryThing in libraries--I think it'd be a nice way to do Staff Recommends. Patrons seem to really love it when we do those kinds of displays in the branch--why not take it to the digital and have staff add a book, say monthly, to LibraryThing, that patrons can link to from the website. (you know, that new website that should be up and running sometime in the who-knows-when future!!) This suggestion is similar to the Book Banter account, except I'm thinking more along the lines of a simple 'staff recommends' online 'display'. I hope that makes some sort of sense--I spent way too long trying to figure this out and my brain's kind of foggy!!

Another 'exporation' is seeing what all the twittering is about!!

1 comment:

CarolJen said...

I like the idea of a staff recommends online display!