Thursday, September 11, 2008

Now What??, I just got a Twitter it showing up on the NOW what do I do??

There's been so much talk about this 'thing' around here that I figured I'd better get with the program, only now have not a clue what to do next. Oh well...the old brain's pretty much mush these days ~ I'm sure I'll figure it out one of these days.


CarolJen said...

The real basics are that you can "follow people" on twitter. There should be a list of twitters/tweeters (whatever you want to call people using twitter) under the twitter section of the exploration. Post your name there too of course so we can follow you as well :-) Then just start tweeting away... once you follow a few people you will see how it works I think.

theothers23 said...

There are two ways to view Twitter messages. One way is to go to someone's blog and look at their most recent tweets.

Another way, like CarolJen said, is to "follow" people. I just signed up to follow you on Twitter. This means that when I log on to my own account in Twitter, I'll see your tweets in sequence with the tweets from the 20+ other colleagues I'm following. Oh, and you should be getting an email from Twitter that alerts you that I'm following you. Don't be alarmed, I'm a friendly person. :) But you can block followers if you wish.

And once you sign up to follow people, you'll see their messages when you log on to Twitter.

Hope that helps. It's fun once you get used to it!

Love_my_books said...

Guess I'm just not as tech savvy as I thought--I've been trying for 45 min to get this working and it's just NOT. I had Twitter showing up on the blog, but wasn't showing anybody else, and the links did not seem to be active. So I tried to fix it and then it just went away. I'm frustrated so I'm done for now....

theothers23 said...

It's always frustrating when things don't work as expected! But it looks like you're on the right track. Your Twitter profile shows that you're following one person on Twitter (Caroljen) and two people are following you. So those steps went through fine.

If you'd like, try this next: Go to the Twitter web site and log on. You should see all of Caroljen's recent tweets. Only her tweets display because she's the only person you're following. Then, compose a tweet of your own. This will show up on your Twitter page, Caroljen's Twitter page (because she's following you) and my Twitter page (because I'm following you). And it will be a test to see whether or not it shows up on your blog. :)

Or, ask someone at your branch to show you what it looks like when they log on to their own Twitter account. That's a good way to get a feel for the process.

Good luck!!